Laser Skin Treatments

* please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to complete required consent/medical form

GentleMax Pro

Advanced technology. The most effective way to remove sun and age spots, facial and leg veins. Combines 2 fast and powerful lasers: the Alexandrite for light skin tones and the nd-Yag for darker skin tones. The lasers work by destroying hair follicles, brown spots and vessels through a series of treatments without harming the surrounding skin.

A patch test is required prior to initial treatment. Patch tests are performed between 4-72 hours prior to treatment depending on Fitzpatrick skin type and treatment area.

All GentleMax Pro services listed show single-treatment prices. Discounted package pricing is available for a series of 3 treatments.

Skin Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment, which aims to restore youthful appearance to the human face.

face & neck $325
face $250
neck $150
rosacea $200
diffuse redness $125
arms (full) $175
forearms $120
hands $65
spot treatment (lg) (20+) $150-$250
spot treatment (md) (5-20) $75-$150
spot treatment (sm) (3-4) $50-$75
spot treatment (x-sm) (1-2) $25-$50


Targets sun damage, age spots and freckles by pulsing light based energy into the unwanted pigment. This causes the temperature of the unwanted pigment to rise which helps to break up the pigment. Treats sun damage, brown spots and age spots. Common targeted areas are the face, chest, back of the hands and top of the shoulders and back.

face & neck $350
face $260
chest $199
forehead $125
neck $100
cheeks $80

Skin Tightening

A unique facial skin tightening and rejuvenation option that produces dramatic results. Laser skin tightening effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles, loose and sagging skin for a smoother and more youthful appearance.

full face $199
stomach $199
arms $130


This invaluable skin technique treats common, minor skin conditions that are on the surface of the skin - often in just one treatment. Our licensed estheticians can treat skin tags, cherry angiomas, fibromas cholesterol deposits, spider naevi, clogged pores, acne pimples, milia and telangiectasia. If you are unsure if something is treatable, book a complimentary consultation.

treatment $25+